Today, I actually aggressively persuade someone to read my blog ( forcing in a nice way). Thinking about it's kind of embarrassing. I don't really know why I did that but maybe because I desperately want someone to confirm whether I can really write or not. I really, really need someone to say ' Anis ..... you got a talent' and then the person whom I persuaded said ' Anis .... your writing is quite good'. Wow!
Actually, few of my friends have also gave good comments on my writing. Maybe I just need a reconfirmation before I sign up with a writing class. Anyway, this is not the first time that I get the comment with my writing. According to my lecturer when I was doing my bachelor degree ....... ' Anis ...... your answers are too long, too much of unnecessary elaboration . You must make it short and concise'. My answer was always 'Okay' and it did becomes a little shorter. Just a few sentence shorter. What can I do? I love to elaborates my words. But she did says that my writing was good for different kind of writing, not for answering exam question.
The thing is, maybe people that close to you or your friend or anybody can identify your talent or your skill but the most important is for us to identify it ourself as well. We need to know that we do have the talent that the people say. If we don't realised that, we will never start to try.... right?
Secondly, we need to try to make it happen. The first person who identify my writing skill was my Bahasa Malaysia teacher in Form four. I was sixteen then, That was over 20 years ago but I never tried. So, it never happen. Hhmnn .......
Dear friends, I believe every each of us is created with lot of skills and talents.We just need to identify the one perfect for us. The skill or talent that makes us happy when we do it. The one that makes us comfortable with ourself. The one that make us feel nice about ourself.
Once we identify it, we should try to make it happen. We will never know where it's going to bring us to. Maybe you'll be someone with great success. Maybe, it doesn't bring you anywhere. We don't really know what's going to happen ..... do we?
Doesn't matter how many skills you have or how many talents you have or how many people tell you that you are good with something, the most important thing to know is that you'll never know if you don't try.
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