Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Judging the book by its cover

Actually, the actual quote will be 'Don't judge the book by its cover' but I just feel that it's more interesting  to discuss the other way round because that is what we usually do. Maybe not everybody but ......  most of us .....and  that includes me.

Yesterday, one of my senior colleague approached me and told me that he had underestimated me. Hhmnn ..... underestimating me ha....? He said that I don't look like who I really am. Hhmn .......interesting. I told him that it's totally okay with me because he doesn't really know me personally. He was judging me by my physical appearance and he admit it. So,it's okay with me.

Honestly, how many people doesn't judge a person from the looks or a book by its' cover? How many? I believe ..... not many. It's natural process of life. The eyes always wanted to see something beautiful and attractive. How many times you had seen the guys turning head twice for a pretty and sexy girls? They do that ... always. Ladies ...... how many times, you are lured to buy something that you don't really need just because it's beautiful? Me? Lot of time. It's just to say that we do judge something by how it looks.

So, is it wrong to judge something by it's cover? If it is wrong, why do we emphasize of giving a good first impression? For example, we will dress smartly for an interview to give a good first impression. Doesn't that mean that we are actually encouraging people to give a quick judgement from how we look? Haargh ...... it's really confusing.

In my career as a nurse, judging from how people look like is equally important as how they feel in making the correct nursing diagnosis.It's called assessment. This is part of nursing process. The good thing of the nursing process is, it doesn't ended with just an assessment. It will be followed by diagnosing the problem, planning the action, intervene and re-evaluate. Our life is just the same.

So, from my view, there's nothing wrong with judging someone by her looks or judging a book by it's cover but it must not just stop at that point only. If you're judging a person, then you have to get to know him/her more to justify the initial thoughts that you have about him/her. Then, re-evaluate and only then, get your final impression.

We are given the eyes to see, the ears to listen and the brain to think. What you see .... will go to the brain, what you hear .... will go to the brain. Think properly before you make the judgement. We are given all the senses. So, use it  wisely.

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