Monday, 6 June 2011

Energy and Emotion

"All women are just the same. They just on and off their emotion without warning" Statement thrown to me after being quiet for few days. Okay, GUILTY as charged. Okay, okay. Don't say anything more.

Not every women are the same. Maybe most women but not all the women. Of course we have lots of emotion. God blessed us with the emotion.There are too many theories about emotion but according to the neurobiological theories, emotion is a pleasant or unpleasant mental state organized in the limbic system of the mammalian brain. That is mainly what we feel every second of our life .... pleasant and unpleasant. So, it's normal to have emotions. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. 

Ladies .... please don't feel guilty just because you are showing your emotion. We are women, we are allowed to do so. It's just that, we should know how to control it and not to misuse the emotion. Guys ..... please...!! Please understand. We are the delicate species, need to be understood, need to be love, need to be spoil. Believe me .... you wouldn't like a women without emotion and take it positively as a challenge. Good things doesn't come cheap .. you know.

But what does it have to do with energy? Of course .. it has to everything with energy. Don't you realised that if you feel sad, you'll feel as if you don't have energy to do anything and if you're happy, you'll feel so energetic. Personally, when I'm angry, I'll have too much of energy. To reduce the extra energy, usually cleaning the house or the office will do the tricks. So, every little detail of emotion gives a different level of energy. Hhmnn ....... does that help to understand how women has lots of different energy everyday, every  second.

This is just my personal opinion of what I feel about emotion and energy. You might agree or disagree. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just from personal experience and to share with people who wants to read it.

1 comment:

  1. ...Got it right Anis, Women are like an ocean... catch them during the high tide and you find them sweet, pretty, smiling, loving, energetic and adorable... never try to be with them during the down side of the tide, and thing will gonna be a disaster, never let a woman shed its tears, and like a river when its stop flowing all living things down the hill will start dying...
