Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Putting theory into practice

It is always easy to say than to do. Agree?

Me? Totally agree. I don't know about you but I strongly agree on that. Most people are very good in seeking knowledge, disseminating the knowledge to others (that is what they claimed they are doing) and motivates other people to apply the knowledge into daily practice. They are very good in communicating with others. The way they described each step of the process as if they have done it a million time. You feel so motivated (at least on that day) to do it yourself. The best of all,  they are also very good in identifying your weaknesses or in other word .... your MISTAKE.

Ironically, they are the people who sometimes never experience a bit of what they say. They don't event know the reality of what they are saying. All the things they presented on the screen or in the classroom or in the conference are based on the theory. The perfect theory.

The funniest part is when people start questioning the theory with your practice. They will start jumping (emotionally)  and start labelling you with all the hi-fi words which actually wth a simple meaning saying that you are just being negative. Hhmnn .......

Amazingly, people want to believe this people who says they are doing it from the people who actually doing the work and on top of that the people who's actually struggle to practice the theory will be labelled as NOT PERFORMING. The thing is ...... if you ask them to show how to do it ........ they will create another theory to cover the first theory they taught without actually answering the actual question.

Bottom of the story, if you want people to look up on you and to respect you, you must practice what you preach. As in Malay, it says 'CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN'.(the talk is not like the doing). Don't just have theory, but refuse to practice or even worse, expecting other people to practice it but you yourself never have any intention to practice it.

Remember, it's not easy to gain peoples' respect and once you loose people respect, it's never easy to get it back. So, my dear friends, please remind each other, practice what you preach and remember to put the theory into our daily practice.

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