Thursday, 26 January 2012

'Special' people

Are you special?

What make you special?

If you gets lot of A's in your exam ....... does it makes you special?
If you are related to the royalty or celebrities .......... does it makes you special?
If you work with the top management people and rubbing shoulders with all the Dato' or Tan Sri ..... does that makes you extra special?

So, ....... what's my point? My point is's only you can make yourself special.

Last month, someone park at my car park which is located for me by the company with the car number written on the lot. I want to get angry but to get angry for a parking space .......... not really worth the energy. So, I just  keep things cool and just left a message telling the car owner that the parking space is allocated for me, and I'm working everyday and I need the parking space.

So, the next day, the same car park at my parking space again. I was like hurgghh!!! Trying not to be angry ..... but I'm just a human okay. What I did was ...... I just park my car behind that car with the s****d owner.

Ha..ha..ha .. just guess what happened? Chaos ....... it was chaotic because I'm kind of blocking the traffic a little (but it was fun!!) and somebody came to warned me that I must beware of my action because I've park behind a 'special' persons' car. The person is a 'special' person to Dato'. I was like .......'are you kidding me?'

So, coming back to the topic .....'special' people. What makes the 'special' person to Dato' very, very special that she can just ignore my note and just park at my car park? What makes her so special that I have  to beware of my action? Just because she is a 'special' person to Dato' does not mean she is special to everybody or can just be rude to everybody. Right?? I had to move my car to another place but I'm satisfied because I got my message noticed and got my car park back the next day.

Aren't we all special? I believe I am special, my children are special, my families are special, my friends and everybody around me are special on their own way. We must believe, we are special in our own way. Some  human is blessed and chosen by ALLAH to be more special than others but that is a whole different story. But we are also blessed with our own speciality. Acknowledge yourselves. There's no one can make you less special except yourself.

My 'Special' 

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