Monday, 5 September 2011

Communications ...... keeping it the traditional way

Eid Mubarak or Selamat Hari Raya everybody!

I love Hari Raya. Of course it's different compare when we were children but having everybody together on the Hari Raya morning, asking for forgiveness from each other and having breakfast together at the same time on the same table. These are some of the things that you can't really find it on most of other days. It gives you such a very nice feeling.

It's already 5th of  Syawal and it's Saturday. Most people starts working today. It's Monday. My brother and my sister came back from their in laws hometown last Saturday.  Everybody gather at my parent house. Just imagine, with 6 brothers and sisters, 5 nieces and nephews, 3 in-laws and not to forget ...... my parent, the house should be very, very noisy with people talking, children screaming or with whatever activities, right. At least, that was what I imagine how it should be but instead, it was so quiet. Everybody seems to be very focus on what they were doing. And what were they doing .....? Communicating with the world.
Yes! Communicating .....! They were communicating with the world with the internet and the social network. They were communicating ....... but not talking. They chat online but not with the people besides them. They rather send text messages on the phone then talking on it. The rather smile to the screen then smiling to the people next to them.

Aargh!!! I just don't get it. It's a phenomenon. It's not just with my family but it's happening everywhere ... anywhere. Sometimes I feel like humans are getting crazier each day. Is it because of the technology or just because of the modernisation. Maybe, I'm just too old fashion and not able to keep myself with the modernisation and the changes.

Last month, before the fasting month started, I saw a couple at a coffee shop having their coffee together. It's kind of romantic .... to have coffee together before going to the office. But ....... this couple, each of them were browsing their netbook and not even talking to each other. So, why bother to have coffee together when you are not interested to chat with each other. Again ....... I just don't get it.

Last week, I read a news in the internet where a bridesmaid attended her best friend wedding via iPad. I'm speechless. I just can't give any comment on that. If I was the bride, I prefer my best friend to be next to me physically. So that I can hug her to share my happiness but different people has different perception. I can't argue with that. Maybe I'm just too old fashion.

Last few years, there was a case of a teleconference wedding. This couple stay apart of each other but they want to get married. So, the solemnisation was done via teleconference. Let us just think for a while here, if you can't be together why bother to get married in the first place.

I admit. I'm a very old fashion person when it comes to communications. I believe in the eye contact while talking. I believe in listening to the voice tone to feel the warmth, caring, happiness or even sadness. I believe in the voice therapy and it's really good for your soul. Sometimes, it's good to be quiet and just send some text instead of talking is still a good therapy.

There is nothing wrong with the use of the technology but we must also remember that some of the things is still better to do the the traditional way. Keep communicating but don't stop talking to each other. Show that you care. Pour it with your loving voice. Keep the traditional way.

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