Monday, 24 September 2012

Money, love and happiness

I had a short conversation with my friend after a swimming lesson on Saturday. It was on the evergreen topic ....... MONEY. Yeah! We can't deny that we need money and it is one of the most important aspect of our life. Some will need the money just to maintain the everyday life. Some will struggle for some extra money to have a better tomorrow and maybe for some others, it is just to add into what they already have. So, the needs of having money does not limit to any person despite of the status, the purpose or even the amount of money they already have. Basically, everybody in this world need money but the thing is ....... how much do you need or how much of money will make you happy?

 Are you happy now or  will you be happier if you have more money? Only you ... yourself ....can answer this question.

People says  money doesn't but happiness but how true it is ............ it's up to the individual. If you ask me ........ I will agree with the statement (to a certain limit). I had some moment which I have some extra money but it didn't make me happy because I did not have my family to share it with me ........... not happy. I'm just a plain family woman and being with family is very important to me. Some people, they will only be happy when they have money because if you have money ........ you can buy lots of things, eat expensive food and obviously, people wants to be with you. People are even nicer to you. Then it reminds me to what my friend said " Money can buy love ........ but not the genuine love". You know what .........? I never thought of that.

Hhmnn ....... money does not buy genuine love. How can I missed that? Maybe because I was just thinking about the happiness. Still thinking about the genuine love vs fake love. Yeah ...... I think that is also very true. That is why the ladies are running for the rich man and the guys are running for the rich ladies (vice versa) Maybe, they are just running for the money, not the person. Hhmnn .... no wonder I'm still single. Maybe because I don't have the money he..he..

Whatever it is, again ..... it's up the the individual. It's up to you. There's no right or wrong in this matter. It's your life, you have the right how to manage you life. Whether you prioritize the money or family or career, it's your choice. I think, the most important thing is, do something that will make you happy. Do it because you want to ....... not because of anybody else.Whether you're seeking for money, love or happiness, I believe ...... the best is to balance all the three.

Life is short. Let us make the best of it.

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